Using tcpdump — samples

Using tcpdump

Examples tcpdump

see traffic on the interface:

tcpdump -i eth0

see traffic on one host:

tcpdump host

see traffic on port:

tcpdump src port 80
tcpdump dst port 80
tcpdump port 80

see IP traffic on the host:

tcpdump ip host

see IP traffic on the net:

tcpdump ip net

see ARP traffic on the host:

tcpdump arp host

look RARP traffic on the host:

tcpdump rarp host

see traffic, except the host unixserver:

tcpdump not host unixserver

watch the traffic on the serverone and servertwo

tcpdump host serverone or host servertwo

view the contents of packets on the interface eth0 host

tcpdump -X -i eth0 host

spy numbers and passwords to icq

tcpdump -X -i eth0 port aol

view the contents of packets on the interface eth0 host, while reading from each packet of 1500 bytes and not to convert IP to hostname

tcpdump -X -s 1500 -n -i eth0 host

Repair headset HS-23 from the NOKIA

Brought me a headset HS-23 to pull out the wire, reaching for the phone.

All work on the recovery sets is illustrated in the photo.

To get started, explain the headset.

Reveals a plastic plate on the adhesive layer, and gently remove it.

Now you need to remove the top cover. Deduct the screwdriver from the wires going to the phone. First, on the one hand, and then the other. Remove the covers and click.

Gained access to the four screws. Twist off them.

Takes charge the headset. Preparation for soldering wires.

Rations as follows:

MIC+ — yellow
MIC- — black
L+ — blue
L- — red/blue
R+ — brown
R- — gold/blue
Serial — golden
VOUT — red
GND — Green

Collect everything in reverse order — the headset works as new.

Ремонт гарнитуры HS-23 от NOKIA 6280 и др.

Принесли мне гарнитуру HS-23 с выдранным проводом, идущим к телефону.

Вся работа по восстановлению работоспособности гарнитуры проиллюстрирована на фото.

Для начала разберем гарнитуру.

Поддеваем пластиковую пластину на липком слое и аккуратно снимаем ее.

Теперь необходимо снять верхнюю крышку. Поддеваем отверткой со стороны провода идущего к телефону. Сначала с одной стороны, потом с другой. Снимаем крышку и кнопку.

 Получили доступ к четырем винтам. Откручиваем их.

Достаем плату гарнитуры. Подготавливаем провода к пайке.

Пайку осуществляем следующим образом:

MIC+ — желтый
MIC- — черный
L+ — синий
L- — красный/синий
R+ — коричневый
R- — золотистый/синий
Serial — золотистый
VOUT — красный
GND — зеленый

Собираем все в обратном порядке — гарнитура работает как новая.



Готовимся к пятнице

Linux: Setting the date and time

Did you know that the default in Linux every day about four o’clock in the morning to run various business objectives? For example cleaning of temporary directories, log files, compression, etc. Now imagine that the time on the server is configured correctly and that all of these tasks to run in peak hour traffic to your site.

Correctly set the date and time needed to perform the work, the scheduler tasks. In addition, they are written in all the main system log files and log-files web server.

Type the command date, to see the current date and time. If you want to change them, use the following format commands:

MM — month, DD — day of the month, hh — hours, mm — minutes, CCYY — 4 digit year, ss — seconds
For example:
date 100615352009.30

This command will set the current date and time on October 06, 2009, 15:35:30.

Please note: the date and time can change only the root-user.

Protect your server using hosts.allow and hosts.deny.

Professionals responsible for the safety nets used by the various tools to help them protect their networks and servers from malicious intrusions. They write great length chain filter iptables firewall and install the latest ..

You may also use them in their work and also write a long chain of rules, forgetting that help provide extra security can two files present on your system — /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.

Once the TCP-packets have been transferred to a computer with Linux, among other actions, the process two files — /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. These two files work as well as the standard firewall. Originally daemon tcpd handles packets passing through the contents of the file hosts.allow, and then through file hosts.deny.

Remember this, because if you make a mess of things in their contents, you may lose access to your server (if you configure them remotely). If the daemon does not find anything relevant in hosts.allow, it goes to the processing of the file hosts.deny.

The syntax of these files is very simple:

Service: IP-address or hostname

For example, if we want to block all smtp-packets coming to our server from, we need to put in hosts.deny file the following line:


We can also choose to replace the host name and its IP-address (the best physical, thus avoiding the problems of security in DNS-server):


With success, you can use and an excellent opportunity to use the mark «.» In the address bar to indicate the network. For example, if we want to allow access to our server on http from the entire network, we should write in the hosts.allow as follows:


We can also use this sign if we want to allow access to any service of all the computers of our domain, pointing to hosts.allow as follows:

Then all computers domain will have access to the web service on our server.

Well, the easiest way (which is typically used by beginners and administrators) — specify:

mysqld: ALL

This record is made available for all your service mysql. I hope you have guessed what file do I put this line?

Certainly in the /etc/hosts.deny! But in /etc/hosts.allow to make a record type:

mysqld: LOCAL

And then your mysql is available for local applications!

Please note — the contents of the files /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny depends on your needs to protect your server. Try, if needed opening or closing access to services for one reason or the other. But do not forget that the writing after the «:» the words «ALL» (in the file /etc/hosts.allow) does not give you guarantees of security of your server!

Good luck!

Install OpenVZ — CentOS 5

We begin with preparation

yum pre-setup

If you want to use yum, you should set up OpenVZ yum repository first.

Download openvz.repo file and put it to your /etc/yum.repos.d/ repository. This can be achieved by the following commands, as root:

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# wget
# rpm —import

Kernel installation

Run the following command

# yum install ovzkernel[-smp or -ent]

smp symmetric multiprocessor up to 4 GB of RAM 10-20 Containers
ent SMP + PAE support + 4/4GB split up to 64 GB of RAM >20-30 Containers

Configuring the bootloader

In case GRUB is used as the boot loader, it will be configured automatically: lines similar to these will be added to the /boot/grub/grub.conf file:

Make default=0 to boot vz kernel first.


There are a number of kernel parameters that should be set for OpenVZ to work correctly. These parameters are stored in /etc/sysctl.conf file. Here are the relevant portions of the file; please edit accordingly.

# On Hardware Node we generally need
# packet forwarding enabled and proxy arp disabled
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 0

# Enables source route verification
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1

# Enables the magic-sysrq key
kernel.sysrq = 1

# We do not want all our interfaces to send redirects
net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0

SELinux should be disabled. To that effect, put the following line to /etc/sysconfig/selinux:

Rebooting into OpenVZ kernel

Installing the utilities

# yum install vzctl vzquota
on x64
# yum install vzctl.x86_64 vzquota.x86_64

Starting OpenVZ
# /sbin/service vz start

Next OS template
An OS template is basically a set of packages from some Linux distribution used to populate a container.

Creating an OS template cache

You can create an OS template cache using template utilities and OS template metadata right on your hardware node. The process is automated and will take from about 10 minutes to a few hours, depending on the network speed, and the result will be most up-to-date template cache.
Installing template utilities

You have to install a few packages in order to be able to create/update OS template cache(s).
Using yum
# yum install vzpkg vzyum vzrpm43-python vzrpm44-python vzctl-lib

Installing OS template metadata
To see which templates are available, run
# yum search vztmpl

To install some of the templates, run
# yum install vztmpl-XXX […]

Get it in
In order to use precreated template cache files, download files for chosen OS distributions and place them as-is to the /vz/template/cache directory.

Create and start a container

To create and start a container, run the following commands:
[host-node]# vzctl create 128 —ostemplate centos-5-i386-minimal
[host-node]# vzctl set 128 —ipadd —save
[host-node]# vzctl set 128 —nameserver —save
[host-node]# vzctl start 128

Your freshly-created container should be up and running now; you can see its processes:
[host-node]# vzctl exec 128 ps ax

Stop and destroy the container

To stop container:
[host-node]# vzctl stop 128

And to destroy container:
[host-node]# vzctl destroy 128

I’s all

Disable «Safely Remove Hardware» icon in system tray

SATA drives show up in “Safely Remove Hardware” icon when the nForce SATA drivers are installed under XP

Click Start > Run and type:
Navigate to the following registry key:
Right-click in the right hand pane and choose New > DWORD
Create a new DWORD value:
Right-click on this new value and choose Modify and change the value to 1
Close Regedit
Restart Windows

not SPAM’ers

Upon termination of all tests from all volume of letters (44552 letters) it has been allocated 125 absolutely валидных letters on the basis of which parameters FalseNegative and FalsePositive have been calculated. If to exclude the first day of testing it is visible as commercial products go a leg to a leg at the analysis of a spam. Spamassassin all it is calculated on the analysis of a foreign spam and often passes letters because of absence of normalization of a content. Commercial products lead letters to the certain kind. For example, often used spammers a method of an insert of superfluous signs in words of type: , and also replacement of Turk letters with English letters similar on a writing, are absolutely inefficient against normalization at which the deformed word all will equally turn to «dispatches» and will get under the contextual analysis adding for each such word certain quantity of points to the letter. In turn, SpamAssassin well enough distinguishes a foreign spam of type « Medical, Viagra, Cialis, Enlargement », and also well filters « bayes poisoning » contextual analyzers.

In occasion of dnsbl-lists the opinion has developed ambiguous. On the one hand, popularity public dnsbl is very high, and they can provide protection against a spam up to the certain degree. But, on the other hand, to use dnsbl-lists as panacea it is impossible, as everyone happen FP at work with valid domains. As if to check of entering connections on RFC (FastBL) during testing there was no FP and the level of a filtration is comparable to commercial products. But it already other history. 🙂

Well, and at last, I have decided to tabulate variants of events in the event that contextual analyzers would work in pair with DNSBL-sheets. Predictably, I have received 100 % efficiency of a filtration of a spam even at use of foreign product Apache SpamAssassin.

Proxy Auto-Config wpad

As usual, we put to themselves a problem.

We have: much users pc, the environment mixed, is less than Windows, it is more than any mac’s/linux, therefore thoughts about «domain» disappear by itself. All (well or nearly so all) go to the Internet through proxy as there can be «guest pc» (upon it the people which clings to ours hotspot).

It is necessary: quickly and at once to adjust a proxy-server by all pc in given subnet, thus not forgetting about «guest». And already it is de facto clear what to distribute this all owe an individual server. As we should have a possibility imperceptibly for the end user to change proxy parametres (as ip or port).

We study traces of tails of dinosaurs

The history, its nobility never will be superfluous. Under the olden time legend, the proxy-server autoconfiguration has appeared already in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 in a year 1997, but the pioneer of the given area became Netscape Navigator 2.0 in 1995. The browser in the web session beginning requests URL a file of an autoconfiguration and reads out from it parametres. I wish to notice, that the given file contains a code similar on JavaScript. Actually, it also is Proxy Auto-configuration file (pac) technology. At first browsers wished to see violently registered by it in options URL to a file or file://c:/windows/proxy.pac, but then all became even more transparent for the end user.

Let’s rummage in interiors of the given process.

I think, any user at adjustment of a modern browser (Opera it is not touched yet) saw point «Automatically to define options» in dialogue of adjustment of a proxy-server. You have already exposed «Automatically to define options»? Well. Now request any site. It was loaded? At the moment of inquiry the user of a site the browser searched in DNS for a host wpad in the domain, has not found and has decided to work without a proxy. Now we will present, that the browser has found in a network a host wpad, further it is knocked on it on 80 port and requests that file of an autoconfiguration wpad.dat from a web server root. wpad record in DNS usually is CNAME. Something навроде

main IN A
wpad IN CNAME main

And as a result the browser finds a pac-file to address

Here and the technology works Web Proxy Automatic Discovery (wpad), you can esteem her IETF the specification.

The kid, and we will go to walk on roofs!

Has come to collect time all puzzle together. As is known, is better a statics give lighttpd and nginx, I choose nginx. About its installation it is written too much material, allow, I will not quote. Now we should create a pac-file wpad.dat.

function FindProxyForURL (url, host) {

if (shExpMatch (url, «**») ||
shExpMatch (url, «**/*») ||
isPlainHostName (host) || dnsDomainIs (host, «.local.domain») ||
isInNet (host, «», «») ||
isInNet (host, «%our net%»,»″)) {
return «DIRECT»;
} else {
if (url.substring (0, 5) == «http:» ||
url.substring (0, 6) == «https:»)
return «PROXY; DIRECT»;
return «DIRECT»;

I have given an example my file, in it to a browser in accessible language any host without domain instructions is told, that on any site in the domain, in subnet internal and external to go it is necessary directly, in other cases on http and https to go it is necessary through proxy.

Simply? Certainly simply 🙂 About these mysterious functions it is possible to read in

Last two strokes to a portrait — we fasten distribution of options on DHCP and it is told to users how to adjust their browser, if to adjust the automatic machine it has not turned out.

In dhcpd.conf it is finished next lines:

option wpad-curl code 252 = text;
option wpad-curl «»;

I wish to notice, that the given options understands only isc-dhcp3, but not usual dhcpd.

The basic part of idea — not to start up in the Internet if the user wishes to go by a proxy, and thus it is not authorised to it. More than once I said, that at me by experimental pc OpenBSD. Can throw now in me tomatoes, but I will defend the point of view, that by the current moment the most perfect faervol / the package filter/NAT it pf, not there was its attempt портировать on Windows for nothing. Even in Ubuntu 8.04 for ufw which is the CLI-interface for iptables, syntax is borrowed corrected pf.
So, we should create the table in which will be ip pc and whole подсети that should go to the Internet through proxy, and in it we can allow to go to separate cars by a proxy addition of a sign on negation! Before ip or subnet. Then to create a rule of a redirection which will turn the client on a page with the description that it has made not and that it is necessary to make:

self_ip = «»

table file «/etc/pf.proxy»

rdr on $int_if proto tcp from to {any! $self_ip} port {80, 443, 3128, 3180, 5190, 8000, 8080}-> $self_ip port 80

pf.proxy Contains the following:

It is possible to guess, that all subnet should go only through proxy, can go by it.